AGN1 PURANAKf. nerve ganglia, respectively sacred to the god Brahma, etc., up* to the region sacred to Shiva, by practising the Rechak form of Kumbhaka, performed by covering over or permeating the- breath wind with the essence of the Hrid mantra and by psy~ chi^ally projecting the same into the petals of the lotus of the disciple's heart (16—17). Then he should duly propitiate Shiva and the fire-god j and cause the disciple to reveren- tially bow down unto them, and advise him as follows:—"You shall not blaspheme nor speak ill of the Shastras, nor skip over, while walking, the flowers and perfumed leaves with which any worship had been performed. You shall worship Shiva, the preceptor, and the fire god as long as you shall live'* (18—19). The above vows should be given unto those who are by self discipline, quite capable of keeping them 5 while portions only of tne above vows should be given to women, boys and old men, or to persons who are invalid or addicted to the pleasures of the world, according to their respective capacities, The preceptor should then consecrate in a vessel the alms bowl, waist cloth and other articles essential to the due fulfilment of the vow, with the Sanhita mantras coupled with the term Svaha in the end and preceded by the Ishana or the Hrid mantra. Subsequently the pre- ceptor should exhibit them to the presiding deity of the sacrificial sand cushion, after having quickly cast into the fire the oblations known as the Sampata offerings* Theo for protection, the above articles should be kept for a time beneath the sacrificial pitcher, and then made Ofer to the person who had taken the vow, with the leave and permission of the god Shiva, first obtained. Tbas by means of the spiritual initiation made with the abwe vows, the due fulfilment whereof is its essential ttm as Ife Samaya Bftsfaa (w* initiatioaV &e iaaer ^ o| ,tfefe^^|^^«l w tuai birth and is to be looked upon asaspiritna!